Lick Skillet Farm Invites You!

Ask an Agroforester Webinar Series

Hosted by Appalachian Sustainable Development


April 6, 7:00pm EST (and additional dates)


An evening webinar series on agroforestry implementation, focused on answering technical questions for practitioners. Short presentations followed by Q&A.


Series is hosted by ASD, Sessions with various experts throughout the US


 ASD recognized a need for more specific information from subject matter experts, for those practitioners trying to implement new agroforestry practices.

How to Register: Learn more at

First session (April 6) will be focused on tree protection in animal systems, conducted by Wyn Miller of Lick Skillet Farm.

Our Farm

Delicious & Nutritious

We raise 100% grass-finished beef and pastured pork, lamb, chicken, and eggs. No Corn, no Soy, no GMOs

Local & Sustainable

We strive to feed our neighbors and be stewards of the land. Regenerative agriculture protects our environment and makes our animals happy!

Convenient & Quick

Purchase at the On-Farm Store, Farmer's Markets, or Three Rivers Grocery, right away. Or let us save you a drive, and have your order delivered Direct-to-Door!